Kick-off to the BGS Irradiation Service Days
BGS Beta-Gamma-Service is presenting a virtual trade fair this year for the first time. BGS Irradiation Service Days (ISD) will take place on 29 and 30 September and focus on radiation sterilization and radiation crosslinking. With six virtual fair spaces and live conferences and discussions, the interactive fair offers guided tours and possibilities for a personal exchange with experts. The topics on 29.09. are aimed at a trade audience from the medical technology and biotechnology sectors, and on 30.09. at a trade audience from the automotive, mechanical engineering, cable and electrical industries. Participation in the BGS ISD is free of charge. Registration is now possible via the event website at

The BGS ISD is a two-day virtual event over the course of which more than 15 experts from business, industry, research and associations will be presenting themes from the world of radiation sterilization and radiation crosslinking. The live presentations, interviews and discussion groups conducted in German and partly in English will be complemented by a virtual trade fair where visitors can find further information and numerous download materials in virtual spaces, and arrange talks with experts.
Focus on radiation sterilization on 29 September
On 29 September, radiation sterilization will be the focus in the afternoon. Current themes will be introduced and range from comparisons between different sterilization methods, the five factors for a successful validation, optimisation possibilities of logistics processes right up to best-practice examples. “In medical diagnostics and the safe application of medical devices, sterility is absolutely essential. A theoretical probability of less than one in one million that a viable microorganism is present: this is how the standard DIN EN 556 defines the sterile condition of a medical device. At the BGS ISD, we will use live presentations, digital descriptions and knowledge transfer to show how sterilization processes can be carried out successfully and efficiently,” explains Managing Director of BGS Dr. Andreas Ostrowick. In addition to contributions from BGS, the BGS ISD also present numerous external lectures, for example from the International Irradiation Association, AERIAL, GfPS Gesellschaft für Produktionshygiene und Sterilitätssicherung mbH or Medical Mountains. Experts will discuss, among other things, methods and the market, the future of cobalt-60 supply and alternatives to gamma irradiation, as well as the typical workflow of irradiation processes.
Focus on radiation crosslinking on 30 September
In the morning on 30 September, plastics technology and radiation crosslinking will be the main focus: As the largest provider of industrial irradiation services in Germany, BGS will be offering presentations and discussions at the virtual fair on the use of radiation crosslinking and its possibilities, for example, in the area of e-mobility. Experts will demonstrate in which applications crosslinked thermoplastics can replace high-performance plastics. “E-mobility, cable technology and digitalisation continually pose new challenges for the materials used, in particular, with regard to weight, temperature resistance and duration. The properties of commodity plastics and technical plastics can be substantially improved to meet the increasing demands. At the BGS ISD, we will demonstrate in many ways the potential that radiation crosslinking offers for corresponding applications,” says Ostrowicki. Renowned experts such as Prof. Martin Bonnet, Professor of Materials Engineering and Plastics at the Technical University of Cologne, Dipl. Ing. Uwe Stenglin from Rotfeld Consulting or Prof. Ulrich Bruhnke, CEO TechMAG AG, will provide insights into the future of polymer materials, address the challenges of e-mobility for components and materials and discuss the opportunities of radiation crosslinking for additive manufacturing.
Trade fair highlights
Additionally, a guided virtual tour of the production and logistics halls at BGS’s headquarters in Wiehl will form the highlight at the trade show. Participants can view the four electron accelerators as well as the 5 MCi strong cobalt-60 gamma facility, and will be able to ask questions live.
Registrations are possible free of charge at